Dark Skies and Pie Moonlight Walk – 16th November


Join professional Mountain Leader, Martin Rivett as he leads a moonlit walk through the Brantwood Estate

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Saturday 16th November @6pm

Join Martin who has a passion for storytelling about the sky we see at night, as he leads a moonlit night walk through the Brantwood Estate and up to the high point of Crag Head, a recognised Dark Skies environment, to discover the night sky over Coniston Water.  The evening will begin with a homemade Pie supper served in the Coach House Loft and an introductory talk followed by the guided walk.

Location: Brantwood, The Loft

£29 inclusive of homemade pie supper, introductory talk & guided walk

Brantwood is an independent registered charity - The Brantwood Trust Coniston Cumbria LA21 8AD enquiries@brantwood.org.uk Telephone: 015394 41396